  files (gcc34 or gcc4)

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8.5 RTL passes
14. Passes and Files of the Compiler


前の頁の一覧表を file の名前の順に並び替えて見ます: Dump after という文字は共通ですので、消します。
A Annotate the assembler output with miscellaneous debugging information.
D Dump all macro definitions, at the end of preprocessing, in addition to normal output.
a Produce all the dumps listed above
m Print statistics on memory usage, at the end of the run, to standard error.
p Annotate the assembler output with a comment indicating which pattern and alternative was used. The length of each instruction is also printed.
P Dump the RTL in the assembler output as a comment before each instruction. Also turns on -dp annotation.
x Just generate RTL for a function instead of compiling it. Usually used with r.
y Dump debugging information during parsing, to standard error.
r RTL 生成 file.00.rtl
i 兄弟呼出の最適化 file.01.sibling
h finalization of EH handling code (Exception Handling) file.02.eh
j the first jump optimization file.03.jump
e SSA (static single assignment form 静的単一代入形式) 最適化 file.04.ssa and file.07.ussa
W SSA 条件付定数伝播 file.05.ssaccp
X SSA 未使用コード除去 file.06.ssadce
u null pointer 除去 file.08.null
s 式共通部分除去 CSE (common subexpression elimination) (including the jump optimization that sometimes follows CSE) file.09.cse
F purging "ADDRESSOF" codes file.10.addressof
G 広域 CSE (GCSE) file.11.gcse
L ループ最適化 file.12.loop
b 分岐確率計算 file.14.bp
f CFG 分析 control and data flow analysis file.14.cfg
C IF 変換 (1) file.15.ce1
T running tracer file.16.tracer
t the second CSE pass (including the jump optimization that sometimes follows CSE) file.17.cse2
f Also life analysis file.18.life
c 命令結合 instruction combination file.19.combine
N the register move pass file.21.regmove
S スケジューリング (1) the first scheduling pass file.22.sched
l 局所 レジスタ割当 local register allocation file.23.lreg
g 広域 レジスタ割当 global register allocation file.24.greg
o post-reload optimizations file.25.postreload
w the second flow pass file.26.flow2
z the peephole pass file.27.peephole2
n 仮想レジスタ番号振直し file.28.rnreg
E IF 変換 (2) file.29.ce3
R スケジューリング (2) file.30.sched2
k conversion from registers to stack file.31.stack
B block reordering file.32.bbro
M performing the machine dependent reorganization pass file.33.mach
d 遅延分岐のスケジューリング file.34.dbr
v For each of the other indicated dump files (except for file.00.rtl), dump a representation of the control flow graph suitable for viewing with VCG file.pass.vcg.
Last Update: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 13:16:17 GMT 1.66 2008/03/08